A Critical Need for Threat Intelligence
Protecting your devices and networks from intrusion is vital for your organisation’s network security and protection. If a malicious attacker creates a breach, it can lead to massive losses for your organisation, your reputation and your business as a whole.
Nations, large organizations and businesses are high value targets for Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs). The motives of these attacks can vary from cyber and industrial espionage to economic damages and data breaches. Are you properly equipped to prevent such attacks?

Proactive Threat Prevention
Enhance your security teams with insights on the most recent command and control servers that have occurred. Ratspotting can be integrated into your SIEM tools and SOC solutions.
Monitor Malicious Campaigns
Ratspotting allows you to stay informed of malware targeting your industry and organisation by continuously monitoring traffic for suspicious activity.
Validate Your Network
Ratspotting identifies IPs in your networks that could involve malicious activities.
Key Benefits:
- Identify and understand threats before they occur.
- Learn from the strategies and tactics of your attackers.
- Build a defence to anticipate and prevent rather than experience and respond.
- Add analytics to your SOC and other national alerting and analysis tools, to improve your overall security posture.
- Gather detailed evidence about state sponsored attacks.
- Support your political and diplomatic customers with evidence from the cyber dimension.
- Protect against APT groups before they even launch a campaign.
Are you a small or medium business?
APT attackers are increasingly using smaller companies that make up the supply-chain of their ultimate target as a way of gaining access to large
organizations. Do not let your busines turn into a steppingstone for adversaries.